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  • 24/09

    [Leader's Inspection] Leaders of the CPPCC and Science and Technology Bureau of Zhangzhou District came to the company for investigation and inspection

    On the afternoon of September 21, Mr.Liu Deyu, chairman of the Xiangzhou committee of the Chinese people's political consultative conference, and Mr. Yao yong, director of the Xiangzhou science and technology bureau came to Xiangyang Gotoo railway fo

  • 20/07

    Warm congratulations! The launch of the legendary track and China railway communication association business briefing was successfully held

    On July 19, 2017, the business launch briefing of Jiangsu Gotoo transmission online power co., LTD., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Xiangyang Gotoo machinery & electrical co., LTD., was successfully held in suzhou.

  • 17/11

    The company's R & D and marketing headquarters recently relocate Wuhan Wanli square

    The company's R & D and marketing headquarters recently opened

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