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GT19 Integrated Transformer Station Test Vehicle

2017.12.02 Article From : China Gotoo

Since 2016 year, Gotoo cooperated with the world famous special vehicle manufacture like Daimler and LADOG to produce the Rail/road dual-purpose comprehensive inspection vehicle, Electric power test vehicle, Rail/road dual-purpose traction vehicle, Rail/road dual-purpose sweeper, and Special-purpose tool container rescue vehicle and etc.

GT19 Integrated Transformer Station Test Vehicle

Handover tests, routine tests, repair tests and test in running condition. Almost all regular tests in substation can be done by our test van or be done with the help of our test van.

1. Design principle

2. Structure

1. Outsides net power input.

2. Integrated test power output.

3. Communication channels. 

4. Central control unit.

5. Powerful lithium battery.

6. Exciting transformer.

7. Integrated controller.

8. Battery power converter.

9. Test power. 10. Cooling system.

1. General cabling of test unit.

 2. Cooling channel.

 3. Lead rail of test unit.

 4. Air lead channel of test unit.

3. Features

4. Our test van is comfortable, reliable and convenient

5. Safety

6. Tests in one time cable connection

7. Tests on line

8. Usage of instruments from other brands and manufacturers

9. Basic test instruments

DC resistance detector

Grounding connection parameter tester

Contact resistance meter

Short circuit impedance tester

Circuit breaker analyzer

DC high voltage generator

Resonant H.V. tester

Digital PD detector

C & Tan Delta Tester

PD on line test

Transformer OLTC detector

Infrared camera

Frequency response Analyzer

CT/PT tester

Turns ratio tester

10. For the international clients